Greetings and welcome to Day 1 of the CWCEC! Our friendly and well-informed staff are ready to help with your check-in process. You’ll receive your name badge, printed conference materials, and fun CWCEC swag. To ensure we have space and plates for everyone, please RSVP for the Day 2 Luncheon as early as possible. Keep an eye out for more information leading up to the conference to help make check-in a seamless experience.
Exhibits Open

State of the System

Paul Tauriello
Afternoon Refreshment Break

Artificial Intelligence and Its Role in the Future of Workers' Compensation

Transforming the DIME

What it Takes to Find, Engage, and Develop Talent in Workers' Compensation

Partners from the Beginning
Welcome Reception – Embrace the spirit of our theme, Partners in Progress, at our Welcome Reception. Join industry peers for an evening of networking, collaboration, and celebration. We invite exhibitors to decorate your booths and attendees to dress according to the style of the year you or your company entered the workers’ compensation industry. Let’s travel through time together, ready to share the stories that made workers’ compensation what it is today. This promises to be an unforgettable kick-off.

Exhibits Open

Connecting the Workplace and Life through FUN

Morning Refreshment Break

The World and Workers' Compensation
Breakout 2A – Claims/Legal Track – Workers’ compensation is part of the varied world of labor law. Unemployment, wage and hour laws, paid family and medical leave, and OSHA can all impact decisions made in workers’ compensation. Come learn more about the interplay between these legal theories.

Look Behind the Pharmacy Curtain for an Explanation of the Cost of Drugs and Trend Management

Urgent Care Today

Your company is requested at a luncheon celebrating our collective efforts and time together. Your attendance is not just an invitation; it’s a catalyst for meaningful connections and conversations that can shape the future of our industry. Ensure your seat by RSVPing at check-in.

The Grand Partnership: Move from Bargaining For to Working In the Workers’ Compensation System

An Injured Worker’s Journey
Breakout 3B – All-Industry Track – Join the Division of Workers’ Compensation for an interactive session which maps the journey of an injured worker through the claims process to better understand their needs, identify pain points, and discover opportunities for system improvement.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Upgrade to 3.1

Afternoon Refreshment Break

Harmonizing Disciplines: A Collaborative Approach to First Responder Mental Health

Making a Difference in Workers’ Compensation
- Alliance of Women in Workers’ Compensation
- Veronica Bundt, Pinnacol
- Kelly Young, Paradigm Corp
- Professionals in Workers’ Compensation
- Ariel Ehrlich, ExamWorks
- Matthew Boatwright, Brown Gren Abraham & McCracken, LLC
- Pinnacol Foundation
- Mara Wheeler, Corporate Citizenship Programs Admin & Pinnacol Foundation Director

Paul Tauriello
Regulators' Roundtable

Director’s Reception
Colorado Division of Workers’ Compensation – Director Paul Tauriello invites attendees to join him for an evening of conversation and connection, while enjoying light apéritifs and beverages in the Broadmoor’s serene lakeside venue.

Exhibits Open

When the Why Is As Important As the What

Robert Wilson
Morning Refreshment Break

CDLE: Colorado Employment Regulators

Closing Remarks
Director Paul Tauriello closes the 2024 conference with final insights and thanks our 2024 sponsors, attendees, and exhibitors.

Paul Tauriello